发布时间:2020-06-16        浏览次数:482
近日,2020欧洲服务设计挑战赛(Europe student service design challenge) 落下帷幕,我院学生韩正双与阿尔托大学四名学生共同组成的团队凭借RO+服务设计项目从35支参赛团队中脱颖而出,获得此次大赛欧洲总决赛的银奖


欧洲服务设计挑战赛是欧洲区域的挑战大奖赛,旨在鼓励和启发新一代设计师。今年挑战赛的主题为 Access to care: 'How can we improve the heart health of people in Europe that are ‘invisible’, neglected, underserved, forgotten or overlooked?'(“我们如何改善欧洲那些‘隐形’、被忽视、服务不足、被遗忘或被忽视的人的心脏健康?”)希望让年轻设计师利用服务设计方法努力探索和提供“以人为本、面向未来和人人皆可使用”的医疗保健服务,鼓励新一代设计师去研究、设计和解决复杂的系统性问题。



RO+服务设计项目是基于芬兰目前Homeless Roma people---无家可归的吉普赛人所遇到的医疗系统和社会服务系统的复杂性问题而提出的服务概念——为其创造一个无障碍的就医流程。

在芬兰,这些吉普赛人就医与本地人有所不同。首先是语言问题,尽管这些难民是欧洲公民,但是很少有人可以用英语或者是芬兰语交流,并且由于没有正式的芬兰公民身份和没有芬兰医疗机构给予的Social ID(用于医院就医的号码),因此他们需要在社会服务机构和医疗机构之间进行流转,而在这个复杂的流转过程中,出现了诸多问题,再加上语言不通的问题,让整个就医流程非常复杂且难以进行。通过Ro+平台,医疗服务提供者和社会服务工作者可以在线上平台获得信息,并且通过协调各个机构的利益相关者来帮助这些吉普赛人进行转诊、预约和办理临时证明等。通过简化协调这些弱势群体的就医流程,这项服务可以解决他们在就医所遇到的问题,包括语言障碍和身份认证等问题。



该项目的研究团队——“No pressure”团队,由同济大学上海国际设计创新学院学生韩正双(产品服务体系设计方向)及阿尔托大学四名学生共同组成,小组成员分别来自中国、韩国和印度。团队成员:Zhengshuang Han (China)、Jooeun Park (South Korea)、Shreya Sood (India)、Bohan Sun (China)、Qianfei Gu (China)

No pressure团队合照



韩正双简单介绍了项目研究过程,他说,团队选定的是芬兰的弱势群体:Homeless Roma people---无家可归的吉普赛人,他们因为赚钱或是逃难等目的来到芬兰, 可是芬兰的移民历史很短并且管理不成熟,因此导致了诸多问题,尤其是外来人口的医疗问题。研究团队找到这些群体和相关的组织进行合作,调研和共创。其中主要的合作组织是Hirundo:一个专门为难民或者是无家可归的人提供服务和帮助的机构。“在长达半年的时间里,我们一直与这些机构和吉普赛人保持联络,来研究这些群体的现状和需求,以及目前医疗系统所出现的问题。”



'The team successfully identified an underserved user group in line with the brief and demonstrated a detailed understanding and communication of their experiences and pain points. The storytelling is well done, how the app works and its relevance is well articulated, and the technical solution is properly thought through.
The integration of systems relates to many current health and human services problems and could be scalable across multiple use cases.
Even though they focused on a specific community, when discussing access to care and social determinants of health, the solution can be relevant to any under-resourced community with limited access and could be leveraged in multiple areas.'


“Great research and understanding of the Roma community and their experiences in accessing care in Finland. The solution showed how technology can bring siloed systems and organisations together, removing barriers and empowering people to care for their health.”

——Rosie Martin, Design Principal at IBM


'Very good and well thought solution for an important group with special challenges.”

—— Lucien Engelen, Founding director of the RE shape Center at Radboud University Medical Center


“I believe the potential of this solution lays in adapting the service to different socio-technical contexts and marginalised groups.”

—— Anna Queralt, Engagement manager of the circular design programme at the Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation


“We would love to see the prototype being further developed and implemented in real life.”

—— Sean Carney, Chief Design Officer of Philips


“A project that demonstrate show digital technologies can empower the most vulnerable communities. I hope that this work will inspire more designers and organizations around the world to start designing scalable health care solutions starting from those at greater risk of exclusion.”

——Simona Maschi, Co-founder and director of the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID)


“The project has the merit to address a highly neglected community in healthcare, with a mobility that challenges the current healthcare system.”

——Roberto Verganti, Professor of Leadership and Innovation at the Stockholm School of Economics


祝贺同学们!后续,该项目将有望被进一步深化和落地。同时,该项目还受邀参加2020荷兰设计周。荷兰设计周(Dutch Design Week)是欧洲三大设计展之一,以前卫、创新、实验闻名。